Monday, October 8, 2007

Concept Map for Grade 1 Science

The concept map I created is for the Grade One Science Creating Colour unit. I created it with the following two SLEs in mind: Students will identify colours in a variety of natural and manufactured objects and students will predict and describe changes in colour that result from the mixing of primary colours. This concept map could be displayed in the classroom to visually remind students of the following concepts: which colours are primary colours, which colours are secondary colours, how to spell the names of the colours, and which secondary colours are created through the mixing of which two primary colours. The concept map also shows students two examples of objects in each colour. In addition to being displayed in the classroom, students would also receive a copy of this concept map for their own reference.

There are many ICT outcomes that can be covered through the use of concept mapping. Here are some GLOs:
· Students will use organizational processes and tools to manage inquiry.
· Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies.
· Students will compose, revise and edit text.
· Students will organize and manipulate data.

· Students will analyze and synthesize information to create a product
· Students will assemble and organize different viewpoints in order to assess their validity
· Students will organize information from more than one source
· Students will organize information, using such tools as a database, spreadsheet or electronic webbing
· Students will develop a process to manage volumes of information that can be made available through electronic sources
· Students will record group brainstorming, planning and sharing of ideas by using technology
· Students will use technology to organize and display data in a problem-solving context
· Students will use graphic organizers, such as mind mapping/webbing, flow charting and outlining, to present connections between ideas and information in a problem-solving environment
· Students will edit and format text to clarify and enhance meaning, using such word processing features as the thesaurus, find/change, text alignment, font size and font style

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