Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Multimedia in the Classroom

Title of Learning Object: Bridges

Subject: Science

Grade: 3


Description of Learning Object:
You can click on the above link and then click on either “Cracks Beneath the Surface, From Hammers to Lasers, or From the Ground Up”. Clicking on either of these will open up a new window in which a video will play.

Description of Classroom Use:
I would use this website in the Grade 3 Science curriculum, specifically in the Building with a Variety of Materials unit. I would split students into six groups and assign one of the three videos to each group. Students would then visit the above website and click on their assigned video. After watching the videos, the groups sharing the same assigned video can get together to discuss what they learned. After the discussions, each of the three larger groups will share with the class what they learned from their video.

Planning and Preparation:
I would watch all videos before and make sure the student computer lab computers had all software necessary to view the videos. I would pull up the website on each computer before class so that when we get to the computer lab, everything is ready to go. I would make sure everything is working and all the links are active.

Learning Outcomes:
3–7 Construct structures, using a variety of materials and designs, and compare the effectiveness of the various materials and designs for their intended purposes.

5. Identify the intended purpose and use of structures to be built, and explain how knowing the intended purpose and use helps guide decisions regarding materials and design.

ICT Outcomes:
C.2 - Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies.
4.1 consult a wide variety of sources that reflect varied viewpoints on particular topics
4.2 evaluate the validity of gathered viewpoints against other sources

C.3 - Students will critically assess information accessed through the use of a variety of technologies.
4.1 assess the authority, reliability and validity of electronically accessed information

C.1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.
4.2 select information from appropriate sources, including primary and secondary sources
4.3 evaluate and explain the advantages and disadvantages of various search strategies

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